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Business Summary: Raytheon is one of the preeminent defense contractors in the world. A brief summary of each of Raytheon’s main business units (BU) is provided to give you insight into what a career with Raytheon could allow you to do. Please note that there appears to be overlap in capabilities supported by Raytheon’s business units and the summary does its best to identify systems to business units.
Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (IDS) specializes in air and missile defense, large land- and sea-based radars and systems for managing command, control, communications, computers, cyber, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. It also produces sonars, torpedoes and electronic systems for ships. Noteable systems designed, built and supported include but are not limited to: Upgraded Early Warning Radar (UEWR), Sea-based X-band Radar (SBX), Battlespace Command and Control Center ( BC3), Air and Missile Defense Radar AN/SPY-6(V), Next Generation Jammer (NGJ), and the famed Iron Dome and Patriot weapon systems.
Raytheon Missile Systems (MS) is the world’s premier missile maker, providing defensive and offensive weapons for air, land, sea and space, including interceptors for U.S. ballistic missile defense. The business also builds net-enabled battlefield sensors and includes Raytheon UK. Noteable systems designed, built and supported include but are not limited to: Army Navy / Transportable Radar Surveillance Radar (AN/TPY 2), Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS), Blackbird Asset Tracker (BAT), DIABLO, Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System (ASARS), Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared (ATFLIR), Directed Energy (Laser) weapons, and numerous missiles to include the Joint Strike Missile, AIM-9x Sidewinder, and the famous Tomahawk Cruise Missile, AMRAAM, ESSM, Stinger, Javelin, TALON LGR, and ITAS, Naval Strike Missile, RAM, SeaRAM, SM-2, SM-3, SM-6.
Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services (II&S) provides cybersecurity products and services. It also offers a full range of training, space, logistics and engineering solutions for government and civilian customers. Noteable systems designed, built and supported include but are not limited to: Command View, DDG 1000 Zumwalt-class destroyer, Global Hawk Enhanced Integrated Sensor Suite, Maritime Information Management System (MIMS), Global Hawk Enhanced Integrated Sensor Suite (EISS) and Maritime Surveillance radars such as AEGIS, AN/APY-10 maritime, littoral and overland surveillance radar, Multi-Spectral Targeting System (MTS) and Thermal Weapon Sights, Unmanned aircraft such as Coyote, Manta, Silver Fox and Zeus, and Small Arms Sights and Thermal Weapon sights. Raytheon Cyber solutions protect every side of cyber for government agencies, businesses and nations. Mission Support provides Launch & Test Range System Integrated Support (LISC), NORAD Operations & Sustainment, Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS), and NASA Spaceflight Support & Operations support functions. Lastly, Raytheon training solutions provides specialized training for high-consequence environments.
Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems (S&AS) builds radars and other sensors for aircraft, spacecraft and ships. The business also provides communications and electronic warfare solutions and performs research in areas ranging from linguistics to quantum computing. Noteable systems designed, built and supported include but are not limited to: Joint Land Attack Cruise Missile Defense Elevated Netted Sensor System (JLENS), Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle (EKV), Sentinel R1 (ASTOR), Shadow R1 and Ship Self-Defense System (SSDS), Aegis (AN/SPY1), Dual Band Radar (DBR), and Tactical Fighter Radars such as AESA, AN/APG-63, AN/APG-79, RACR, Special Mission Aircraft such as Overseer, Raven, and Shadow R1, and Space Based Senors to include Visible/Infrared Imager Spectrometer Suite (VIIRS), Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS), Space Tracking & Surveillance System (STSS).
Raytheon BBN Technologies is one of Raytheon’s premier research and development center. Their diverse research portfolio combines the best technologies to deliver innovative, custom solutions with real-world benefit.
Raytheon Professional Services LLC gives its global customers, particularly those in high-consequence environments, a decisive business advantage. We leverage decades of training expertise and the latest technologies to design tailored learning solutions that are aligned with your unique business objectives.
The table below summarizes the overlapping capabilities of the Raytheon business units.
If you are curious about radar systems, command and control systems, Electro Optical Sensors Special Mission and Unmanned Aircraft, Space Based sensors or SONAR sensors, Jammers, Directed Energy systems, Precision Weapons systems, or Mission support and Training then you owe it to yourself to explore a job with Raytheon.
Vision: One global team creating trusted, innovative solutions to make the world a safer place
Employees: 63,000
Locations: Employees are located across the United States and Raytheon has offices in 19 countries
Headquarters: Raytheon Company, 870 Winter Street, Waltham, Massachusetts
Vision: One global team creating trusted, innovative solutions to make the world a safer place
Values: Trust, Respect, Collaboration, Innovation, Accountability
Careers Page
Raytheon has a very robust careers page. After landing on the page you can immediately search for jobs by keyword, Talent Area, Location or Career Path. On the bottom of the main careers page you have the option to sign up for Raytheon’s job alert capability. After selecting your interest area clicking on search you can review your results and sort by several criteria (date posted, date updated, location, job title). Once you select a job you are interested in a standard job description is presented and you have buttons on the top and bottom of the page to apply.
Veterans Resources
For Veterans Raytheon has what it calls its Operation Phoenix Program, which provides opportunities for transitioning military personnel who were severely wounded, injured and/or ill during combat operations in the global war on terror (on or after September 11, 2001). Specific criteria consistent with military, government and VA definitions must be met. Raytheon also gives consideration to Wounded Warrior spouses and caregivers who have needed to take on the role of primary wage-earner for the immediate family.
Talent Network
When you click on the link for the Raytheon Talent Community you are taken to a separate website that allows you to sign up for an account. Once you set up your account you can apply for jobs and set up alerts. The site is very straight forward. It is a little disorienting as it has a totally different look and feel from the main careers website. After you select a job and apply for it you can set up your profile and the site says it will take 13-15 minutes to do.
The system allows you to post multiple resume’s and cover letters tailored to each job applied to. While it takes time to tailor your resume and cover letter for each job, I highly recommend you do this. The site also allows you to save jobs for posting to later. I recommend joining the Raytheon Talent Network to aid in your job search.